Vanessa Hudgens in One Teaspoon Bandit Shorts in Hunter ~ Fashion Frenzy and Fuzzy
Vanessa Hudgens in One Teaspoon Bandit Shorts in Hunter | Fashion Frenzy and Fuzzy


Vanessa Hudgens in One Teaspoon Bandit Shorts in Hunter

Vanessa Hudgens One Teaspoon Bandit Shorts Hunter e1397586874864 Vanessa Hudgens in One Teaspoon Bandit Shorts in Hunter

Vanessa Hudgens was all smiles in this Instagram shot of her before hitting the Coachella Music Festival in Indio, California. The Coachella regular wore a pair of One Teaspoon Bandit Shorts in Hunter with a bikini top and some sandals. She then topped her look off with a ton of accessories.

Vanessa is one that likes to have fun with her looks at festivals. I can’t say that I am always a fan of them as I find that they are borderline costume sometimes, but I somehow always look forward to seeing what she wears each year. What do you think of Vanessa’s looks lately? You can click here to purchase these shorts for $99.

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